Candidly Candid: Blog 2020-03-16T06:32:00Z (C) Candidly Candid Candidly Candid [email protected] Image stacking first attempt

Using magic lantern I tried focus stacking for the first time. I took 11 pictures across a CF card...

picture 1:

picture 2:

picture 11:

I then tried the Lightroom Enfuse plugin with default settings and obtained this:

Then I tried Helicon Focus with default settings and obtained this: As you can see, I either needed to double my DOF, or halve the focus step size and take double the number of images, but not too bad for a first attempt. You can also see that the image becomes cropped so, note to self... don't fill the frame with the subject.

I'll probably be purchasing Helicon Focus.

Fail then half win.


Candidly Candid [email protected] (C) Candidly Candid 2013-02-28T22:25:25Z 2013-02-28T22:25:25Z